Featured Links and Resources
Every garden needs perennials, and if that's what you're looking for be sure to check out our sister site, Heritage Perennials. The search feature allows you find just the right plant from our database of over 2000 varieties! We also have a free monthly E-newsletter and a special Ask an Expert feature, where you can have your perennial gardening questions personally answered.
Jeepers Creepers are just a few of the many low-growing perennials available to gardeners. If rock gardening is your thing, the Rock Garden Plants Database will be an invaluable reference for the thousands of alpine plants that can be grown in gardens.
Rock Garden Plant Resources
North American Rock Garden Society and their many regional chapters, including the Ontario Rock Garden & Hardy Plant Society, Vancouver Island Rock and Alpine Garden Society and many others.
Wonder If You've Got Soil Problems? Canadian Gardening Magazine has a handy page on Testing Your Soil, including a list of soil laboratories across Canada. American gardeners can easily find local labs listed in the yellow pages, or through your local USDA or State Agricultural office.
Thymus On Your Side
Even professional horticulturists find it difficult to sort out the names of the many Creeping Thyme selections now available. If you're trying to decipher your collection, the Thymus website is the place to head. This great source of information was created by the holder of the British National Collection of Thymus.
Drought-resistant Gardening
For some great information on gardening in dry climates, visit the site of the Okanagan Xeriscape Organization. The site includes a searchable database to help find plants suitable for reduced-water gardening.